Friday 8 June 2012

Cut Off

You may have noticed that my last 3 posts are a bit lacking in the editing department and rather varied of font.  I'm surprised they even got to see the light of day. I'm staying in a house with no internet  or mobile phone connection. To get on-line, I have to tuck my laptop under my coat and take an evening walk, unlock an unoccupied house and sit on the stairs to use the wifi signal.  Because this comes by satellite, web sites often don't download and my email server refuses to talk to me. I get a very rude message, saying the website is too busy to show my page. Getting a post published takes about 60 minutes. This all makes me greatly appreciate my Turkish server. I live outside an isolated village, where the cows and donkeys are taken to the pond  every day and 80% of the population is involved in agriculture  and yet I can sit on my terrace and download a book in 3 or 4 seconds, watch the latest edition of Newsnight or listen to The Archers. Here in Scotland, I can do none of these things.  It's probably good for me: I was getting a bit obsessed about how many viewers were dropping into my site or who was saying what about it.  I'm missing my new blogging friends, I've only been able to glance at a couple of their sites in the past 12 days. Strangely, Facebook is the only site that is easily available so I've seen pictures of the jubilee flotilla, know that Bodrum's poor mayor was taken away in handcuffs and been surprised by a photo of my husband, 30 years younger posted by someone I've never heard of, all without any follow-up news.  In 3 days I'll be back in the real world: I wonder how long it will be before I'm sucked back into the blogosphere.


  1. Oh, I sympathiase, BtoB, as you'll see from my recent post. We're having connection problems and I feel like I'm missing a vital sense! Still, with scenery like that, there are consolations. :-)

  2. Sometimes, we get nostalgic about the days when communication wasn't so easy. That way, you don't have to listen to things like "The darned dog ran away, we were hysterical for two nights before we found him begging food in the next county, blah blah . . . . " Who needs that? Sounds like you're in a lovely place.

  3. . . how long? Hmmm! About 45 seconds - the time it takes to drop the bags, fill the kettle and plug in the laptop (I timed it!). A Mars Bar says you can't do it in less - bet?

  4. Isn't it amazing how much we miss our internet connection when we don't have it? I get withdrawal sad is that? Mr A has bought a small electric generator for me which means that I can plug in the modem when the power goes.

    Don't worry, you'll soon be back to normal service!

  5. Oh, do feel for you, not fun : ( Still lovely to get a glimpse of what you've been up to, hang in there, and look forward to having you back!
