Monday 15 August 2016

Half and Half

It's been hot, mind-meltingly hot.  The kind of heat that gives you wet patches on top of your shoulders where the sweat has dripped off your ear lobes.  The sort of hot that makes it imperative that you wring out any bra with a hint of padding before slinging it into the washing basket or you'll wake up to an Ali Baba of damp, smelly, colour mingled clothes. Too hot to think and too hot to write. Too hot to call a plumber to mend the irrigation system or to contact the myriad of other workmen needed to repair everything that is packing up in the house.  Sloth-inducing sultry heat. 
But everyone who lives here knows the saying 'August is half summer and half winter' and right on cue, today the weather changed.  High cloud appeared and the humidity lifted. When I open a window coolness enters rather that heat.  The temperatures are still over 30C but the oppressiveness has gone and energy is returning.  Today I sought and found a wrench and a screwdriver and took off the timer that has refused to allow my garden to be watered but let water leak out of all its joints, and switched it for another one - No more dribbles where they shouldn't be and hopefully, happier looking roses - I also grabbed a rake and got rid of a few barrow loads of pine needles and more importantly, I am sitting at the computer and writing my second blog post in less than 48 hours.  Time to get back to the keyboard. 


  1. Glad the weather has taken a turn for the better and you are energized again.

    1. I still melted as I walked around Bodrum today

  2. We were looking forward to a mini heatwave this weekend but it got blown off course by an Atlantic front. How quickly I've forgotten the energy sapping days of our Turkish summers when we prayed for rain!

  3. Make sure you start a list for Dave - keep him out of mischief when we're over in October!

  4. Just to be able to sleep at night without a fan on is a relief

    1. I still need the fan in Bodrum but not in the country

  5. . . don't get too energetic on the keyboard, there are others with jobs to do as well! ;-D

    1. Im sure I won't distract you from your lotus eating while J is away.

  6. amazing - 15th August and right on cue. Thought it would never come,but look at those lovely little clouds gathering.

  7. Anne from Demir Al (currently moored in Turgutköy)16 August 2016 at 12:39

    There's nothing like a job that you 'really must do' to motivate you to do so many mundane tasks... I have a lovely clean sink, an empty bin and 30m of fabric that needs to be sheets...and I'm sitting here typing!

  8. We've still got humidity here in Fethiye but we did get a VERY light smattering of rain a couple o nights ago that was short-lived but lovely. September is the cooler weather for us and we can't wait! :)

  9. Two days ago, when we had breakfast with Özlem, BTW, the weather broke. It was great.

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  11. Merhaba Annie, so glad a bit of coolness returned - a few days before I left Istanbul we had a bit of rain and wind, it was very welcome - as Mark and Jolee says, it was great to see them - around 25 C in Surrey, fabulous, enjoying while it's here. Cok sevgiler, Ozlem xxx
