Tuesday 13 September 2016

At home.

Today is the second day of Kurban Bayram, Sacrifice Holiday; a busy time of year in Bodrum when city dwellers take their noisy, bustling lifestyle to the Aegean and give us town and country dwellers a taste of what it's like to live in the metropolis. For this reason I choose to stay at home. Just me, the dog, a lizard and a dragon fly, (there was a scorpion too but he had to go) 
My human house guests left on Sunday and Monday so I woke this morning determined to catch up with blog reading and writing but as I clicked my ipad into life I realised that I was no longer connected to the outside world.  No emails, no daily paper and no Facebook.  All my friends have been complaining about internet and telephone providers so I had little hope of getting back on line this week - surely the repair service would be twice as slow during the bank holiday, but I phoned anyway at 9:30, reported the problem and set about practical tasks. I was halfway through vacuuming the pool when the landline rang at 11:30am - Türk Telecom checking that my phone and internet were back on line - and they were, so three cheers to TT repair guys - I can now avoid all the other essential little jobs I had lined up to fill my computer free day. 


  1. Who wants to vacuum a pool when there's more important things to catch up on? 😁

  2. Glad you are back online Annie.

    1. Anne from Demir Al (currently moored in Turgutköy)14 September 2016 at 13:11

      Vacuum? I'm glad that's one job not on my 'To do' list. I was on deck for nearly 2 hours in the early hours: bilge pump can't be turned on when the city dwellers are swimming by outlet, or dining on jetty. That leaves a very narrow window! I did make 4 pillowcases before I sat down to read your news, though!

    2. I remember from my yachtie days that there are always jobs to do on a boat, and they are always staring you in the face or lapping around your ankles.

  3. We live in a town that attracts lots of tourists too. That pool water looks like it is calling out "come in for a swim."

  4. That's a relief! And well done for finishing the pool. Love that friendly dragonfly - what a great photo! Axxx

    1. I only had my phone , my camera would have taken a better shot

    2. Note for h3a photo group: Annie to do a session of toe shots!

  5. Beautiful; enjoy that serenity - and wonderful to have you back!:) Ozlem xx

  6. your friends are a Starred Agama - Stellagama stellio and the dragonfly looks like an Indigo Dropwing - Trethemis festiva. I'm sure you really wanted to know that!!!

    1. Thanks Alan, I do. The dragon fly is a beautiful dark red which my phone camera doesn't do justice to

  7. Annie, Just back from Hydra - more later. Your photo is so lovely. The essence of tranquility.

    1. Hope you enjoyed a traffic free Bayram with the donkeys.
