Saturday 24 September 2016

September rushes by

September is zooming past and I haven't hit the 'publish' button for 8 days. 

I should be telling you about road trips to unspoilt bays.

Or contradicting the gutter press that would have you believe that Turkish tourism is dead, by posting pictures of the cruise ships that regularly come to Bodrum. 

But surely a visit by Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior is more news-worthy.

You probably didn't hear about the symposium in Milas on wall-building techniques and marble construction in Caria.

There is definitely a post to be written on meeting up with past clients in Gümüşlük who brought me a copy of a newsletter I'd sent out in 1997, and a kind fellow blogger who handed over copies of 19th century charts.

The hiatus in blog production is most likely due to me having such a great time with visiting friends, especially ones that arrive with award winning Greek wine, 

turn the terrace into a candle lit Shangri-La, 

and leave me with a wire sculpture of Jake, that will be much treasured. 

I promise myself that each of the above will be honoured with its own post.

Did I mention that my daughter is getting married in 2 weeks. Could also have something to do with the BacktoBodrum go-slow! 


  1. Not long to go before your daughter's wedding day - love the notice board in the trees showing the up coming nuptials

  2. I look forward to your next posts. I see you are enjoying Greek wine; does Turkey produce best quality wine? When I was a student in Istanbul I enjoyed raki, beer, tea, coffee and the delicious food. When we studied in college a lady brought around a cart of Turkish coffee. Your photos show a beautiful area.

  3. Wow what a busy September! I did mean to arrange to get over to see you but I can't believe how fast time's flying. I reckon it'll be winter by the time I see you. Looking forward to the individual posts on the above xx

  4. Anne from Demir Al (currently moored in Turgutköy)25 September 2016 at 10:31

    Love the Jake sculpture. I might steal that idea when Demir Al is out of the water and I have 'no jobs left to do'....who am I kidding?
    Looking forward to reading your updates!
    Best wishes, Anne

  5. B to B, Whew! So happy to see that you are enjoying the last of summer and have plenty of visitors to boot! Love the sculpture. Good luck on the run-up to the wedding. xoxo J and M

  6. Who's got time to write when there are so many other things to do? I'll be hobbling to the wedding (don't ask)...

  7. . . don't get too fussed Annie, stick with the important stuff!

  8. Beautiful post Annie, so much going on, so good to see! Many many congrats to Esi in advance, enjoy that special time, my very best wishes, Ozlem xxx
