Tuesday 10 April 2018

Snaps from the Past

I love looking through our old family photo albums - there are only about 6 of them and I know all the pictures by heart. There is no one even a tiny bit famous.
Imagine finding old chests, suitcases and drawers stuffed with pictures of your great aunt with Sophia Loren, Alan Ladd, Melina Mercouri, Anthony Perkins, Aristotle Onassis, Niko Ghikas ( the artist I mentioned at the end of March ) and more. 

Ekaterini with Sophia Loren 

Ekaterini Paouri (1900 -1986) played a leading roll in Hydra's high society and entertained billionaires, movie stars, Greek tycoons, artists, hippies and members of royal families in her house on the quay, on her caique and in her country house in Episkopi. 

Sophia Loren keeping warm between takes

Her house on the harbour has been renovated by her great nephew and the ground floor turned into a gallery where some of these wonderful photographs were displayed last week.  I caught the last day of the exhibition on my last evening on the island

Niko Ghikas second from the right 

Ekaterini behind Alan Ladd

Ekaterini standing next to Anthony Perkins


  1. I wonder what stories she could tell ...

  2. Wasn't Sophia Loren simply gorgeous? And still amazing today, I'm sure.

  3. Bathing in reflected glory - wonderfully warming! (trying with Firefox)

  4. She certainly led a glamorous life.

  5. Wow! Sophia Loren - so instantly recognisable but how many years since I've heard a thing about her. I will look her up now ...

    1. Watch "The Boy on a Dolphin" if you can - filmed in Hydra

  6. One of the wonders of living to be an old age--to become truly elderly--is that we can look back and a vast and whole array of people fill our minds with memories. Sophia Loren and Anthony Perkins and Alan Ladd are all three part of my mind's memory of the wonderful life I've lived. thanks for reminding me by displaying these photographs. Peace.

  7. Lovely glimpse into a happier past. Thanks.
