Thursday 20 June 2013

Keep Calm and Carry On.

It seemed  a bit inappropriate to be posting pretty pictures and enjoying the glorious countryside when to the north, fellow citizens, children and elders included, were being blasted with water and gas, but the latest "duran adam" protests give me cause for hope.  It started with one man, standing immobile for 8 hours. He was joined by others and now this form of Standing Man silent, passive protest has spread around the country and further afield. It just proves that you can't keep a good Turk down. I'm not going to feel guilty about carrying on as normal, in fact  I think it is our duty in the tourist areas to keep up the positive posts as the economy of this region is reliant on tourism and shutting down in sympathy with the protesters won't help anyone.  

I've had great fun the past week travelling around with old friends Kath and Dave in their camper van.  We spent a lot of the 1980's travelling together and it's great to be back on the road together again.  After a few false starts getting into the van, Jake can now leap in without needing the step, I wish I could say the same for myself.

The storm clouds moved in but didn't put a damper on our picnic next to Lake Bafa.

I assumed that such a large van would be difficult to manoeuvre and restrict the the places we could visit but show Dave a narrow lane and he's off down it with no qualms about getting stuck.  Extreme campervanning at it's best.  If we do come a cropper we can always pull out the Turkish Flag and stage our own Standing Van protest.


  1. well then...woohoo Turkey!! the Standing Man is such a symbol...I think of Gandhi and Martin Luther King...BRAVO Standing Man!! the camper reminds me of the days Don and I had on the we "rough" camped too...miss it!!!

    1. I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to camping but I'm enjoying the van.

  2. Dear Annie, here in the United States during the VietNam war, many protesters didn't burn flags or pour blood on US documents, instead, they stood one day a week in silence in front of the recruitment centers and the government offices. This happened throughout the United States. Two of my dearest friends at the time did this each week for several years. Silent protest and peaceful, just at the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted with regard to civil rights. Peace.

  3. I love the way Jake fits so perfectly into your way of life xx

    1. He's very happy travelling up front with the boys.

  4. I found this informative and interesting blog i think its very useful and knowledge able.I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.

  5. B to B, Standing Van Protest - very funny and cute. Speaking of tourism, we hosted four more visitors from America yesterday and they're having a great time. Two of them had visited us last year. At that time, it was their first visit, so you see? You can't keep a visitor who has fallen in love with Turkey down either!

    1. All the visitors I have heard of that spent days in Istanbul before travelling down the coast have had a good trip.

  6. . . this could become a real focus for what is a leaderless, popular uprising with so many variables. Being a member of a political party that was founded in 1903 and has been 'leaderless' in all that time I can appreciate the cons - we certainly aren't mainstream, and the pros - our principles have never been compromised in over 100 years. Leaders emerge and start to lead and the base upon which the movement was founded are subverted. Vanguards lead to the replacement of one dictatorship by another - interesting but dark times!

    1. To give him his due, the reforms to the health service that RTE brought in should be applauded. If he knew when to bow out gracefully his legacy would have been a good one.

  7. Beautiful, beautiful post; you sure can't keep a good Turk down and hats off to duran adam, so clever. I am with you; we need to keep going and have this wonderful country on the agenda; I read a wonderful post at Turquoise Diaries the other day; during all the struggle, Ataturk kept his spirit up, enjoyed the good things around him and made everyone aware. Everyone I heard so far having a wonderful visit in Turkey and my parents thoroughly enjoying Bodrum. Saluting the duran adam and your very cute standing van

    1. One has to admire the stamina and sense of humour of the population as they repeatedly bounce back.

  8. Standing protests, Jake in the van....and carrying on ...all good stuff.Jx

    1. We are carrying on while getting a bit hot under the collar

  9. I too was very moved by the reporting of the Standing Man's protest. More power to them all, I say. And good on you too for carrying on and keeping calm. (I'd love that deck chair in my garden!)
    The camper van is so envy-inspiring! We keep talking about getting one but I think we'll wait til the children are bigger (not interested in joining us, is what I mean) cos it would be difficult to fit us all in - and Darwin, of course!

    1. My daughter wouldn't be seen dead in a camper van unless it was one of those trendy VW ones so it's lucky she has left home.

  10. The Standing Man protest is superb.
    A clear witness to peaceful opposition.

    1. Unfortunately the troubles have started agin tonight.

  11. The Standing Man protest gives me the same feeling as the lone young man facing down the tanks in Tienanmen Square - that human nature at its best is truly indomitable.

    I do agree that you need to carry on with life nonetheless and encourage tourists to come for the sake of the many ordinary people whose livelihoods depend on tourism. Campervanning is great!

  12. What a great idea about The Standing I saw on the news they had a girl (who's a Doctor) stand in a Bikini. But was detained and released.........what can I say .. :-(
    Jake looks like he's having a great ride...and fits right n.

    Love your Chair...Erica XX

    1. What does your husband think of the protests?
