Thursday 18 July 2013

Wide Open Spaces

While the rest of Europe boils, temperatures in Sweden are a mild 21 degrees and a strong coastal breeze makes this feel colder. The views however make up for the lack of heat and just occassionally the wind drops and the only sounds are the screaming of gulls and oyster catchers  and the phut phut of an outboard motor.


  1. Cool tranquillity sounds good...Axxx

  2. . . the weather took note today - deliciously cool and fresh after heavy rain

  3. B to B, Beautiful photos - loved the anchor. Your surroundings sound heavenly - not much unlike what it's like here on Burgazada. Generally, the weather has been cool and breezy.

  4. Even the colours look northern European don't different from your Turkish photos. Enjoy. Jx

  5. Those views remind me of Caithness and the Orkneys - wide, green and cool. On this stiflingly hot and muggy day, cool sounds wonderful. :-) Enjoy....
