Friday 9 August 2013

Back on the flat.

After five weeks travelling, it is lovely to be back home.

After three weeks climbing stone steps, a flat path is very welcome.

After cooking on an island where all the water is delivered by ship, free flowing irrigation channels are a joy to behold.

After being "Nobby No-mates" in a cafe with my Kindle, a Greek salad and a glass of wine every evening, it's nice to see friendly faces.

After struggling with the Greek language, phrase books and translators - it's a relief to be able to say "please don't cut your thumb off while posing for this photograph" and be immediately understood.

But if I didn't keep going away, I couldn't carry on calling this blog
Back to Bodrum


  1. What a very beautiful Bayram posting. Looks like Turkey gave you a real warm and golden welcome home. Your photos tell it all.

    BTW, am thoroughly enjoying Brian Sewell's book you recommended a year ago. The chapter on Bodrum is a hoot.

    1. Glad you are enjoying Brian's 1980s Bodrum

  2. '. . reasons to be cheerful' - and happy to call this home :-)

  3. Glad to see you are happy to be Dorothy said 'There is no place like home".
    Jake looks like he's having a good time getting some attention.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Yay! Back to Bodrum and obiously ery happy about it. (Honestly, I don't know what to do - my letter - isn't working! How bizarre is that?) It's not my typing. I'm hoping that it's just a blip and when we turn the computer on again tomorrow, all will be well again...Hae you had Jake with you in Greece or did you hae to leae him at home?
    I'll stop - this is obiously ery irritating.

    1. Surprising how important the letter v is when you don't have one. Jake and Teo have been at home so I'm happy to get back to see them.

  6. Glad you got home OK. Bet the three of them were pleased to see you home x

    1. We've just had a lovely family Bayram with Esi off work for 3 days.

  7. Yes, It is good to travel but it is also good to get back home. Nothing quite like sleeping in your own bed!

    1. The evenings were a bit cooler in Hydra. Can't decide at home whether to air con or open windows. One too cold the other too hot

  8. Welcome home, Annie. Put your feet and take a rest.

    1. Difficult to slow down after a busy period and so many people to see.

  9. It's always lovely coming home isn't it? And you really won't miss all those steps!

    Lovely photos xx

  10. Dear Annie, I do so like visiting with friends when I go back to Minnesota for a visit, but when I get back home I can simply "Be" and that's wonderful! Peace.

  11. I imagine the lack of steps must come as a blessed relief, Annie. It's lovely to travel, but there's nowhere like home and one's own bed. :-)
