Thursday 10 July 2014

Up North

It was 30 degrees today.  So what, you say. Normal temperatures for July in the Aegean. But I'm in Sweden! 


  1. 25 years ago I met with polar explorer Robert Swann who was touring/lecturing and trying to get people to listen re: catastrophic climate change along with pollution poisoning the Arctic food chain (Inuit mothers poisoning their babies with PCBs, heavy metals, etc in their breast milk). Governments didn't listen then and they are not listening now - they see rising temperatures as an opportunity to exploit Arctic hydrocarbons. Sweden will do OK, they'll be able to grow for palm oil!!

  2. What a gorgeous sunset! I have a Swedish next door neighbour, and I am very tempted to visit! Have a good time, Ozlem

  3. Make the most of it, Annie, it's unlikely to last!

  4. Nice photos Annie. That beach looks lovely. Enjoy the good weather there xx

  5. Yes, I gather an anti-cyclone over Scandinavia is what's giving much of the rest of Europe such a wet summer, Annie. Gorgeous photos and it looks like you're having a wonderful time.

  6. B to B, It looks beautiful where you are. Really nice photos.
