Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Two Years

I picked a bunch of anemones from the garden to celebrate BacktoBodrum's second birthday

When we left Bodrum in 2000, we moved to East Sussex and my daughter started at Mayfield primary school.  On her first day we parked at the bottom of the hill, walked through the picturesque main street  and followed the crowd through the car park to the playground gate. As we turned the corner, an amazing vista of "England's green and pleasant land" was spread out before us.  As someone who felt a bit starved of "Englishness" after 19 years in Turkey, I was overwhelmed with the beauty of it all.  I couldn't help but turn to the mother beside me (who on reflection did look a bit like Cruella Deville) and say "Wow, isn't that fantastic."  She turned and with a withering glance said "No, it's ******* boring." Thus my bubble was pricked.  My new eyes on an old scene were not appreciated.
Returning in 2012 to Bodrum I was determined to keep my "new eyes" open and enjoy every aspect that Bodrum has to offer. It's very easy to get depressed about political inconsistencies and obsessed with the march of construction over Turkey, but I'm determined to try and see each new day with new eyes and bring the good things about living in Turkey to your attention. So I will continue wearing my rosy spectacles with just the occasional moan as a balance.
 Wishing you all a slightly belated but optimistic New Year. 


  1. Wow, congratulations. That's gone so quick. It does seem to be increasingly difficult to ignore politics and the like in the blogs...we can but try. :) Happy new year.

    1. We shall have to be careful to ignore politics with the new internet laws coming in.

  2. B to B, I'm so happy that you've hung in there. We love your blog. Well, one thing you can say about living in Turkey - that in spite of it all, it's not ***** boring!

  3. Happy 2nd Birthday BtoB and Happy New Year to you and the family!! Definitely keep your rosy specs on, we always love your optimism about life. I'm sure you won't succumb to the terrible two's!

  4. Here here Annie - let's focus on the positives in 2014!

  5. Far from ******* boring! Keep up the good work!

  6. Congratulations on two years. I love your blog!

  7. Yes, definitely not ******** boring! (Feels good, saying that...) and many congratulations on two lovely and interesting years. I feel I have to say, is it really only two years? You feel more like an old friend - in the nicest possible way, you understand. The anemones are lovely and you are quite right to keep those eyes fresh and bright. Axxx

    1. The best thing about blogging is the interaction with other like-minded folk.

  8. Keep up the good blogging and never get bored.

    I have long been convinced that only boring people get bored.

  9. Congratulations! I wonder who that silly woman was... I've lived here almost 17 years and still think it is fantastic!

    1. If you think hard you'll realise who it was. Always looked like she was sucking lemons.

  10. I love your spirit and enthusiasm Annie, what a wonderful start of a new year; there is so much to be grateful and what you do also create awareness for better future. I am with you, salute you and always look forward to your posts. Cok tebrikler ve selamlar, Ozlem ;)

    1. Hope I can catch up with you on your travels in Turkey this year.

  11. Keeping those new eyes is so depressing to be bored by where you live. I cant imagine that ever happening to you. Congratulations on 2 years... looking forward to more. Jx

    1. I feel as if we've all shared such a lot in the last two years.

  12. Congrats on your 2 year anniversary! It's best to try and stay positive to keep sane! ;-) There will always be problems and things to dislike no matter where you live. My latest joy is finding fab Turkish nar here in Warsaw and using the heck out of them! A little bit of Turkey amongst the grey winter here.

    1. So glad you are hanging on to a bit of Turkey in your new Polish life.

  13. Some are glass-half-full-people. We are and so are you.It's wise not to ignore the politics (which I understand are getting racy) but it pays to roll with it. Congratulations on getting to your second birthday.

    1. Now you know our glasses don't stay half full for very long but we are both good at topping them up. Cheers!

  14. Congratulations on 2 years of's to many more. I like your optimisim about life. You're right, we should always try to focus on the positive. xx

  15. Poor woman - how sad to be bored and unappreciative like that. Keep your positive outlook on life - it makes for good reading. Here's to the next two yours of Back to Bodrum. :-)
