Sunday 9 September 2012

7th September - A Bittersweet Day for Bodrum

Photo from Mehmet Kocadon's Facebook page. 

After just under 100 days in jail, Mehmet Kocadon elected, but now deposed, Mayor of Bodrum, had his day in court on Thursday 6th September. A convoy of supporters left Bodrum for Muğla early in the morning and crowded  outside the courthouse for most of the day. The hope had been that the man most still consider to be Bodrum's rightful mayor, would be returning with them that day, but the hearing was extended to a second day and the convoy had to come home empty handed.  On Friday a repeat performance was enacted and gradually the news started to filter through that Mr. Kocadon had been released on bail and was on his way back to Bodrum.  As the celebrations started, news also began to surface that Kemal Merkit, Turkey's first competitor in the Paris-Dakkar rally, had been killed in a race in Anatolia.  Kemal started his motorcycle career during the 1980s and 90s while he was resident in Bodrum. His ever increasingly arduous races on both bikes and in jeeps gained him the nickname "Desert Tiger".  The jubilations to welcome home Mehmet Kocadon continued into the night but for long term Bodrum residents, the day was overshadowed with great sadness.


  1. The "Desert tiger" had a great face. What vibrant eyes!

    1. He was a very nice guy and super fit.He had just started competing in "Iron Man" competitions - running and cycling.

  2. Quite unusual for bail to be granted, but he must be very happy to be home. Will he be able to take up his post as mayor again at some point in the future, do you know?

    1. We'll wait and see. If I'd just gone through what he's experienced I wouldn't dream of returning to political life.

  3. Hello:
    How intriguing all of this sounds to us with a mayor placed on bail!

    Naturally we are sorry to learn of the death of Kemal Merkit.

    1. "Intrigue" describes the Mayor's arrest perfectly.

  4. . . can't comment on the mayor, but much saddened by the death of this great, competitive biker.

  5. Bail is a step in the right direction. Does anyone have a clearer idea about what he is accused of?

    Sorry to hear about the death of the Desert Tiger. Local heroes are important.

    1. It's a long list - but boils down to "miss-use of office". I haven't seen any evidence published

  6. So much mystery to life and so much of life, also, is like a diamond with some dark facets and some light. Death and life inexorably entwined. Peace.

    1. He died doing something he loved - May be some solace to his children.

  7. Aww, what a sad post - and happy, too. Not sure how to feel at the end of reading that.

    1. It was a strange day. One of my husbands oldest friends also died this day.

  8. Strange thing sometimes, local opinion.

    This is, I am sure, nothing like the case of your mayor but in the south of Costa Rica a mayor was arrested for organising a prostitution ring drawing in under age girls from a shanty town.
    He was released on bail and accompanied back to town by cheering inhabitants!
