Tuesday 2 June 2015

It all happens on Turkey Street

Three years ago I met two interesting guys in a supermarket.  They were behind me in the queue and I had an inkling from the amount of wine bottles in their basket that they weren't locals.  I'd just arrived back in Bodrum after spending 12 years in the UK and, in an effort to stave off mental degeneration in my new semi-retired state, I'd started writing this blog.  As research, I had been reading a Bodrum blog called Perking the Pansies and I was pretty sure that these two chaps at the check-out were Jack and Liam - The P the P heroes in the flesh.  So I turned and introduced myself.  After their initial shock at being recognised, we chatted and agreed to meet up again. Sadly for me, when I met them, they had already decided to leave Turkey and return to live in the UK, but I have continued to follow Jack's antics in Norwich and this week I've enjoyed reading Jack's second book, Turkey Street.  It's been quite a comfort in rainy, icy Scotland to be transported back to a more familiar terrain and it was fun trying to work out whether the characters in the book are individuals or amalgamations of several different people.  (In the end I rang the author and found out from the horse's mouth that he's taken a mix and match approach to characterisation).  He's certainly made the author of BacktoBodrum blush. Thanks to Jack, I now have a literary alter ego to live up to.


  1. . . I'll never forgive him for encouraging me to start this blogging lark in the first place! Then again, perhaps I will because anyone who can laugh at themselves can't be all bad - 'Rock On, Guys' and plenty of power and Elliman's Embrocation to your creaking elbows.

    1. I thought you had been blogging since the word was invented Alan.

  2. Well, Annie. Now you're making me blush! You are my original Bodrum Belle. The first and the best and it was wonderful catching up. Hopefully, we'll got over to Bodrum next year and I can sign the bleedin' thing!

    1. You can sign a lot of them as an orderly queue forms in front of you.

  3. Really look forward to reading Jack's wonderful book :) enjoy Scotland, Ozlem x

  4. I don't remember having THAT much wine in the basket ;-)

    1. Any local buying more than one bottle would go by car.

  5. Feel compelled to buy the book now and fathom out which of the characters is you!!

    1. You'll laugh when you do and wonder what just how much I've paid the author to write it.

  6. It's in my Amazon basket as I write, though ordering will have to wait until we get back from France - no delivery time left.. :-)
