Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Nuts No More

I am of an age that if I hear the word "Nuts" it is always followed mentally by "whole hazelnuts, Cadburys take them and they cover them in chocolate". It's unfortunate that most of the readers stumbling on this blog live in the US, because this won't mean anything to you.
Nuts Whole Hazelnuts
Hazelnuts are one of Turkey's biggest exports and the makers of Nutella rely on Turkish nuts for their famous chocolate spread. The bad news for lovers of this sugar and palm oil heavy concoction is that the hazelnut harvest has been affected by bad weather and production is down by over 50%.  We've never been a Nutella family as at 104 calories for a 20g serving it always struck me as being extremely unhealthy, but I have recently met folk who can't live without it. However, I have just been converted to another chocolate spread that seems a bit too good to be true.

Chokoliva is 55% olives, 20% chocolate and 10% cherries. Hazelnuts, citric acid and soy lecithin make up the remaining 15%.  At 33 calories for a 20g serving, it could almost be classed as a guilt free treat.


  1. Not a Nutella fan, but the Whole Nut advert took me back. :) Chocoliva on the other hand sounds like something I could develop a taste for...

  2. Nutella is definitely not on my shopping list either! This other spread sounds an interesting mix but will also probably not feature :(

  3. My goodness, how did I miss that and where can I get it ?:) Love olives, a heathy amount of chocolate and adore hazelnuts - will be on the lookout!

  4. B to B, Hmmm. What does it taste like? It brings to mind Mexican mole sauce which contains chocolate but can be spicy. (But I must confess, I'm not too keen on Nutella or mole.)

  5. . . chocolate nut spread; mole sauce; you'll be talking about hedgehog flavoured crisps next!! What's the betting that the nut growers won't reap any benefit from the reduced supply.

    1. How about squirrel sauce. The hazelnuts would be secondhand though.

  6. No Nutella for me either but I am a fruit and nut case. Will the price go up?

    1. The price of everything goes up regardless . My favourite muesli has gone up 25% in 3 months.

  7. My husband found hazelnut chocolate in the local supermarket last week and came through the door chanting 'nuts...whole hazelnuts' wonder people think we are mad...

  8. Dear Annie, I've never been a Nutella fan, but I'm going to look for Chokoliva as I find both olives and chocolate delicious and I'd love to try the combination. Thanks for letting us know about this. Peace.

  9. Funny we were on Youtube a couple of weeks ago looking these old adverts and singing along. The young'uns didnt find Frank Muir and the Fruit and Nut advert and the SMASH adverts half as funny as we did!!

    1. I had a little wander around You Tube. Frank Muir was wonderful. By the way, i found a nut only , no pesky dried fruit, muesli in Tescos. Dorset I think. Tell Dave his breakfast prayers have been answered.
