Wednesday 24 September 2014

Writers' circle.

Writers in a circle

Fish seemed a good idea until I started to fillet 12 sea bass.
Bob and Fatoş dig in, but my Mother is overwhelmed by the many dishes. 

Last October I wrote about about starting a new Writing group in Bodrum and I'm happy to report that we met very two weeks from then on, either in the Maya Hotel or Gambilya Restaurant, to exercise our writing muscles until June arrived and summer activities, travels abroad or visiting friends and relations made us all too busy to continue.  But Sunday marked the Autumn Equinox which brings summer to an end and makes us all think about the coming winter months.   For those in Northern climes, this may be a bit depressing but for us in Southern Turkey its great. July and August have been too hot to do much except recline in the shade, so Autumn heralds a return to activity; both physical and mental.  We celebrated the end of summer with a few glasses of wine and ginger fizz and a pot luck lunch under the pine trees on our terrace.  Just to give credence to our name, Martha got us all sitting in a circle and had us note down our thoughts on "peace"; September 21st being the UN's International Day of Peace.  As our minds ticked over and pens scratched, the only sound was the breeze among the trees.  Peace epitomised!
At the other end of the country peace is long gone. On UN Day of Peace, I could only think of the desperate Syrians, fleeing for their lives across the Turkish border to escape IS.  A peaceful solution will be a long time coming and Turkey will struggle with a refugee crisis that has seen 140,000 cross the border this week alone. Peace doesn't stand a chance.


  1. I felt so so sad on the Day of Peace. The world is such a mess, a cruel place and I really doubt peace stands a chance.

    The writing group is a good idea and it's nice to get the brain cells working again after the long hot summer xx

  2. Don't give up on the hope of peace. :(

    1. I caught the end of the protests against the Vietnam war when I was a teenager. I don't feel as it we've come very far in the intervening years. We now have a president who won the Nobel prize for peace having more of a flare for bombing.

  3. IS and illegal US bombing - the Rogue State is at it again - well, 'again' is an understatement as it never stops!
    That said, what a great idea and inspirational tool your Circle is - not to mention an antidote to Weight Watchers ;-)

    1. As long as weapons make money, there won't be peace.

  4. B to B, we think that just the recognition of the terrible suffering that is happening in the world is a step forward. Good work, guys, and keep up the good work. J

  5. Wasn't it John Lennon who said 'give peace a chance'? We never really have.

    1. John Lennon died nearly 34 years ago. The record has worn out.

  6. BB, I love the idea of your writing group, and it is my dream to be a part of it, I hope some day in near future. Agree with SDs, it is a step forward; it is such a sad situation, but if thoughtful minds like your group increase, that's a big hope. Enjoy autumn in Bodrum, Sevgiler

    1. I hope we see you in the group too. We also have lots of lectures and we haven't ever had one on the food of South Eastern Turkey.
