Thursday 12 September 2024

Back Lane Biking

You've got to be mad to ride a bike around Bodrum; drivers with 4 wheels under them pay little heed to those on two, but off the peninsula on the Karaova plain, there is a network of small lanes between villages which are ideal for walking or rough cycling. Generally you can travel a kilometer at a time only meeting a shepherd, a cow ...
or a villager taking a nap.
In the winter I walk these lanes with the dog but a few years ago I decided to get out my sit up and beg Raleigh Pioneer, which is ideal for pottering around English villages whilst pretending to be Miss Marple, but was too exhausting to use over a rocky unpaved surface. So one day not long ago, on a trip to a supermarket to buy some wine, electric bikes were purchased. They were chosen for their chunky tyres which looked ideal for a bit of off-roading. If you haven't tried an electric bike yet, I urge you to give it a go. You still have to peddle so it feels like you're getting some exercise but the minute the going gets tough, you can up the power and breeze up the hill. I'm not brave (or crazy) enough to use them on a main road, but for pastoral peddling, an electric bike is a dream.


  1. That cow looks comfortable ...

    I used to love cycling, even in London but sadly my hips are not up to it now ... perhaps I should give an electric one the go ...

  2. We bought electric bikes here in Portugal and love them. (Nice to see you blogging again!)

  3. I tried an electric trike on the back roads in Spain and it was super....and there's always something to see on the dirt roads.

  4. I know how lovely and peaceful those lanes are …and perfect for cycling around. We used electric bikes all around Tokyo and I agree they are fab. I only fell off once when I hit a kerb at the wrong angle 🤣! I love your photos.

  5. What a lovely, quiet area to brush up your cycling skills, Annie. Sadly I never learned to ride a bike and even if I had, I don't think I'd want to do it on C21st British roads.

  6. I should have tried riding yours when we were there. I might hire one in Shrewsbury when we’re back.

  7. I’m with you on avoiding real roads and traffic, but this looks great. I don’t cycle at all, terrified of the traffic and hills, but an electric bike on proper cycle paths could just tempt me.
    Enjoy it. X
