Wednesday 18 September 2024

Mistakes aren't wasted.

Yesterday I posted a reel on Bodrum Art Collective's Instagram page (please follow if you haven't already) showing an acrylic print that didn't work. I haven't painted anything for a month and getting started again is always difficult. I find it best to just 'go for it' and see what happens. Obviously I waste a lot of paper and paint doing this, but never my time as the next paintings always benefit from the unbridled mistakes of past pictures. I hate to throw anything away so I've found a use for my discarded work. On 5th May this year I held a Greek Easter/Hırdırellez party. (The former you know, the latter celebrates the arrival of Spring and wishes are tied to trees.) I combined both by cutting out egg shapes and having friends write something on them. I made so many that later visitors have also been asked to 'write something on an egg'. I now have a guest book blowing in the breeze. Before the winter rains, I'll collect up the eggs and save them for next year.
This, by the way, is the discarded picture. It will look good as an egg.