Monday 2 September 2024

BacktoBodrum Back Again


I wrote a blog about returning to Bodrum after 12 years away. I stopped blogging and now 12 years after I created BacktoBodrum, I'm going to start again.   I've missed writing about Bodrum and have got a bit upset reading articles about my hometown which bear no relation to the place I live. A recent Times article claimed that everyone who lives here has a boat, (I wish) and the rest imply that you can't holiday here without spending 1,000 Euros a day.  Time to resurrect the tale of everyday folk in Bodrum.  

Etrim - photo by Kath Davis

This photo gives you an idea what's been going on in the past few years. I squatted down to take a photo and my subject asked me if I needed her stick to get up - my hips aren't as supple as they used to be, but when we compared birthdays, she was impressed that I'd got down there at all.   My phone is full of pictures of lovely village ladies to use as inspiration for my art work. When I gave up this blog, I was painting pictures of fruit and veg, inspired by my day job as a travelling cook. Covid put pay to that occupation but gave me lots of time to practice brushwork, and a photo of my neighbour by the pond started me on a series of working-women images. 

So here's to BacktoBodrum mark 2 - a general mishmash of what life is like living  in a busy holiday resort some days and a quiet village on the edge of a forest other days.  I hope you'll join me. 

Annie's art work can be viewed at Bodrum Art Collective


  1. Looking forward ro reading your blog again Annie

    1. Pls start your again

    2. Please start yours again - Annie

  2. Delighted to see you back in the blogging world, Annie. We both love your gorgeous artwork.

    1. That's lucky as you have two on your wall - Annie

  3. So glad you're back writing your blog again Annie, I've really missed it

    1. Let's hope technology doesn't get the better of me. - Annie

  4. Welcome back to blogging Annie. I’ve missed reading your wonderful musings. Lovely to spend a few days on the edge of the forest with you recently. We’ll be BacktoBodrum real soon we hope - Kath & Dave x

    1. Thank you for the lovely photo to start it off- Annie

  5. Ah welcome back Annie. I love that photo and so glad there is still some traditional rural life left in Bodrum

    1. Like me you haven't worked out how to get rid of the anonymous tag. Let me know when you do - Annie

    2. I haven't yet worked out how to use the updated Blogger dashboard, but I've managed to solve the comment problem. When you go to the comment line it says "Comment as" with a drop-down arrow next to it. Click on that and below Anonymous you'll see Name/URL. Click on that and it lets you put in whatever name you want to use. Annoyingly it looks like you might have to do that every time, but I may be wrong.

  6. Great to have you back again 😀

    1. Thank you whoever you are - Annie

  7. You are quite right - alarmist things being written about living here ...

    1. We shall give the alternate view

  8. Welcome back. You stopped blogging the same year I did and I admire you for picking up the blogging reins again. Looking forward to new posts.

    1. Would love to see you back too but I do follow your lovely posts on FB - Annie

  9. Wonderful to see you back up on the waves!

  10. Delighted you’re back to the blog!!! 🥰
