Friday 6 September 2024

Old friends

One minute Dave was chatting, beer in hand, the next his bottom was on the gravel and his legs in the air. The deckchair had given way with a loud rip. When Kath and Dave last visited me, this deckchair was a bright red, comfy and secure. Dave chose to sit in it on the day it gave up hope and surrended to old age.
Their 2013 visit was in June and five of us travelled around in their camper van recreating our Famous Five archaeological trips of the last century. This time, August was too hot to venture very far and of the original five, there are only 3 of us left so a copy-cat trip would have been tinged with sadness but Finley hopped into their new van for a photo before they left.
It's lovely having old friends to stay, especially these two who I worked with for 6 years in the 80s. Our friendship has spanned almost from first jobs to retirement. We had lots to reminisce about and we fitted in a quick visit to Yali boatyard which is one of the few places that hasn't changed much in 40 years, even if everything around it is hard to recognise. A bit like us - no longer sun-bleached yachties. A bit like my deckchair. But its message is still clear and shall be heeded.


  1. I found it ! So lovely to be sharing here thoughts and memories again. Also found, I don’t have to battle with google to leave a comment… so some success.

    1. Well done - As you can see I am still anonymous - Annie

  2. Second attempt at commenting…. I managed an anonymous one for Kathy… have failed with google, so just trying this. We must persevere.

  3. So wonderful to be able to read you again. I really missed your blog! (my Instagram name is jardindemontagne - I follow you on Instagram too)

    1. It's nice to be back and it looks like we might get our old blogging group back too. Is it the Oasis effect?

  4. There are days that i feel like that deckchair.....

    1. But you wouldn't be a let-down like my deckchair

  5. Nothing like the pleasure of old friends to reminisce with ...

  6. Nothing like the pleasure of old friends to reminisce with ...

  7. It was lovely to spend a few days with you & it always feels like we’ve never been away. We really should have helped Dave up but we were in hysterics!!

  8. How lovely to have a visit from such old friends. I remember you mentioning Kath and Dave before we all stopped blogging. As for the deckchair, that looks like me after a bad night. :)
